IFES Foundation is organizing a free Craftsmanship Training program for a young dynamic Nigerians in the field of Modern Auto Mechanic Works.
This program consist of Six (6) months intensive class work in Motor Vehicle Technology and Eighteen (18) months Practical Work.
At the end of the program participant are examined by National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) who will award a ANTC ( Advance National Technical Certificate) in Motor Vehicle Mechanic Works which is globally recognized.
Interested Applicant should pick there application form from Sterling Bank PLC, 38 Akpakpava Road, Benin City, Edo State. The completed application should be returned to IFES Foundation, Suite 202/203/204 Royal Shopping Mall, 64, First East Circular Road, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.
For further enquries call Mr. Ifeanyi on 08028896272